Welcome to Keystone T-Park Verwaltung GmbH

As the management company of the Keystone group our job is to provide and supervise industrial and commercial properties for office, production and storages space according to demand.

It goes without saying that we offer a competent advice for the property owners as well as a comprehensive service for the tenants in accordance with our claim to regard individual solutions and to optimize them together.

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We managed objects in follow germany Citys:

→ Troisdorf
→ Düsseldorf
→ Neuwied
→ Stuttgart
→ Bremen

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Properties to rent:

5 rental propertys in Bremen
4x Office, 1x Office/Storage/Shop

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6 rental propertys in Troisdorf (at the Technologiepark)
4x Office, 1x industrial/garage, 1x production/garage

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