Industrial Park Troisdorf

Mülheimer Strasse 26
53840 Troisdorf
Plot area: 480.000 qm
Building space: 249.000 qm
Type: Office, production and storage space

Logistic Centre Grossbeeren

Märkische Allee 65
14979 Grossbeeren
Plot area: 30.000 qm
Building space: 8.150 qm
Type: Office, production and storage space

Logistic Centre Koblenz

Zaunheimer Straße 7
56072 Koblenz
Plot area: 12.500 qm
Building space: 1.900 qm
Type: Office space, logistics space

Industry Property Neuwied

Meerpfad 27 - 31
56566 Neuwied
Plot area: 17.500 qm
Building space: 9.700 qm
Type: Office, production and storage space

Office Building at the Technologie Park

Universitätsallee 15 - 19
28359 Bremen
Plot area: 7.700 qm
Building space: 3.960 qm
Type: Office space